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北华大学 Beihua University


发布时间:2013/1/17 14:25:19  发布:明日教育  来源:北华大学




       学校现有80个本科专业,涵盖11个学科门类(经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学);16个一级学科硕士学位授权点(马克思主义理论、教育学、中国语言文学、外国语言文学、世界史、数学、机械工程、电气工程、林业工程、风景园林、林学、基础医学、临床医学、药学、工商管理、美术学)及7个二级学科硕士学位授权点(体育教育训练学、专门史、凝聚态物理、物理化学、生物化学与分子生物学、计算机应用技术、应用化学),涵盖了10个学科门类;7个硕士专业学位类别〔教育、翻译、工程(林业工程、交通运输工程)、农业推广、临床医学、艺术、护理〕;1个国家林业局重点学科(森林培育);2个省重中之重学科(林学、世界史);7个省重点学科(马克思主义理论、世界史、电气工程、林学、临床医学、工商管理、风景园林学);6个国家特色专业(临床医学、机械类、电气工程及其自动化、园林、医学检验、林学);13个省级“十二五”本科特色专业(临床医学、机械类、电气工程及其自动化、园林、医学检验、林学、英语、数学与应用数学、工商管理、药学、护理学、历史学、汉语言文学);5个省高校本科品牌专业建设点(林学、临床医学、机械类、电气工程及其自动化、医学检验技术);2个国家级大学生校外实践教育基地〔北华大学-吉林省蛟河林业实验区管理局农科教合作人才培养基地(农学)、北华大学-长春市经济技术开发区东方广场社区卫生服务中心临床技能综合培训中心(医学)〕; 1个国家级实验教学示范中心(机械工程实验教学中心);1个省专业综合改革试点专业(电气工程与自动化);10个省高校实验教学示范中心(医学检验与测试基础实验教学中心、工程训练中心、机械工程实验教学中心、临床医学技能实验教学中心、基础医学实验教学中心、电气工程实验教学中心、森林植被与生态实验教学中心、计算机科学技术实验教学中心、汽车工程实验教学中心、经济管理综合实验教学中心);2个省大学生科技创新实践基地(机电集成技术大学生科技创新实践基地、自动化技术创新实践基地);国家级精品课1门,省精品课程31门,省优秀课程60门;省级优秀教学团队12个。学校是第四届全国文明单位、全国大学生文化素质教育基地、国家大学英语改革示范学校、国家语委语言文字应用培训基地、全国首批卓越医生教育培养计划项目改革试点高校、全国首批卓越农林人才培养计划项目改革试点高校、全国大学生志愿服务西部计划优秀高校项目办、中俄医科大学联盟首批盟员校和国家大学生创新性实验项目学校、国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目学校、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划实施工作先进单位。学校还是吉林省优秀社会科学普及基地、吉林省高层次人才创新创业基地和吉林省大学生心理健康教育培训基地。
       学校现有专任教师1591人,高级专业技术职务人员894人(正高级244人、副高级650人,二级教授11人、三级教授14人),具有博士学位人员329人,在读博士147人。共享4名两院院士和189名高级专家作为学校的兼职教授和客座教授。拥有新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选1人,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选学者3人,教育部高等学校教学指导委员会委员6人,省长白山学者“特聘教授”2人,省高级专家5人,省有突出贡献中青年专业技术人才14人,省拔尖创新人才20人,省教学名师8人,省教书育人楷模1人,省师德先进个人 2人,省高校学科领军教授3人,省教育厅新世纪优秀人才17人,省高校科研春苗人才9人。
       学校依托自身办学条件和教育资源优势,加强人才培养和科学研究工作,面向经济建设主战场,特别是面向吉林省支柱、优势、特色和战略性新兴产业,提供智力支持和科技服务,形成了林产生物质资源与材料、长白山林业生态与特色资源、区域国别史、冶金化工行业电气高效节能装备技术、吉林地方常见植物过敏原筛选及临床免疫、长白山特色药用资源等特色研究领域,在振兴东北老工业基地和区域、行业经济与社会发展中不断提高贡献率,获得国家级科技进步二等奖2项、国家级教学成果奖1项。目前,学校拥有25个国家和省级科研平台,1个省博士后科研创业基地,7个省级科技创新领军团队(吉林省植物化工创新团队、吉林省五味子产品开发及产业化创新团队、吉林省林产化学与工程研究创新团队、吉林省林火管理科研创新团队、吉林省老化相关疾病的细胞信号机制研究创新团队、吉林省电力电子与伺服驱动技术创新团队、吉林省人参转化关键技术研究与应用创新团队),98个校内科研平台。其中,1个国家级培训中心(国家语委语言文字应用培训中心);5个省重点实验室(吉林省林业与生态环境实验室,吉林省木质材料科学与工程重点实验室,吉林省分子医学实验室,吉林省生物大分子功能开发与应用工程实验室,吉林省分子老年病医学重点实验室);7个省人文社会科学重点研究基地〔东亚历史与文献研究中心,吉林省特色文化(吉林市文化)研究基地,吉林省长吉图旅游产业发展研究中心,吉林省特色文化(长吉图旅游文化)研究基地,吉林省高等教育质量研究中心,吉林省文化品牌研究基地,吉林省地方高校综合改革与发展研究中心〕;5个省级工程研究中心、实验室(电力电子与电力传动吉林省工程研究中心,智能电力电子装备吉林省高校工程研究中心,吉林省五味子开发及产业化工程研究中心,智能机械装备控制系统工程实验室,抗衰老保健技术工程实验室);3个省级科技创新中心〔电力电子应用技术吉林省科技创新中心,吉林省采育林科技创新中心,吉林省中药生物技术科技创新中心(吉林省中药生物工程技术研究中心)〕;3个省级公共技术研发中心(吉林省电力整流装备产业公共技术研发中心,吉林省长白山药用资源开发与利用产业公共技术研发中心,吉林省林木加工产业公共技术研发中心)。仅近三年,学校就承担世界自然科学基金项目〔联合国开发计划署(UNDP)研究项目〕、国家科技攻关项目、国家“863”计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、国家科技部项目、国家哲学社会科学基金项目等重大项目64项,省、部级科研课题近426项,市(厅局)级科研项目221项,已通过国家、省、市(厅局)鉴定的科研成果453项,获得省、部级科技进步奖49项;教师在学术期刊上发表学术论文3977余篇(其中,997篇被SCI、EI、CSSCI等检索)。《北华大学学报(自然科学版)》获中国高校特色科技期刊奖,入选中国科技核心期刊及RCCSE中国核心学术期刊名录;出版教材、著作近300部,省部级以上教学研究立项78项。学校生源质量逐年攀升,第一志愿录取率均达到100%。在就业形势严峻的情况下,毕业生就业率始终位于省属高校前列,大学生创业园被评为省级示范园。在国家和省各类大学生竞赛中,先后荣获国家级奖励601项(一等奖55项)、省级奖励854项(一等奖228项)。其中,在全国“挑战杯”大学生课外科技学术作品竞赛中,学校先后四届获得一等奖(共5项)。北华大学龙舟队在全国各项赛事中取得可喜的成绩, 2014年代表国家队参加亚洲龙舟锦标赛,取得了2金、3银、2铜的优异成绩,其中2000米环绕赛获得的金牌,是中国队继1990年后时隔24年再次夺冠,为国家赢得了荣誉,被评为省模范集体。


Beihua University is a province-owned comprehensive university whose scope is the most extensive one. Approved by the Ministry of Education, it was founded in 1999 by the combination of the original Jilin Teacher's college, Jilin Medical College, Jilin Forestry College and Jilin Electrification Academy. It is situated in the Rime Metropolis and Charming City --- Jilin.
The university has four campuses: the south, the north, the east, and the west campus, which totally occupies an area of 1,263,700 square meters with a floor space up to 830,300square meters. The gross value of its equipments is 184,000,000 RMB. The total collection of the university library reaches 2,562,700 volumes. Currently, the University has the total enrollments of 22,100 students, including 18,803 undergraduate students. The University has 27 academic colleges (Law School, School of Education Science, College of Physical Education, School of Chinese Language and Culture, Foreign Languages' College, College of Music, College of Fine Arts, College of History and Culture, College of Mathematics, College of Physics, College of Chemistry and Biology, College of Mechanical Engineering, College of Electrical and Information Engineering, School of Computer science and Technology, College of Software, College of Transportation and Civil Engineering, College of Forestry, College of Basic Medicine, College of Public Health, No. 1 Clinical Medical College (Affiliated Hospital), College of Medical Test, College of Stomatology, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, School of Economic Management, College of Adults and Continuing Education and International Education and Exchange Institute), besides, 3 departments (centers) (College Foreign Languages’ Department, Educational Technology Center, Engineering Training Center), it offers 70 undergraduate specialties, containing 10 kinds of specialties (Economics, Law, Education, Literature, History, Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine and Management); 38 Master's programs, 1 Professional Master’s program (of Medicine), containing 9 kinds of specialties, 21 courses of first class; 1 national Forestry key specialty (Forest Cultivation); 6 provincial key specialty ((Forest Cultivation, Clinical Test and Diagnosis, Special History, Medicine, Power Electronics and Electric Transmission, Curriculum and Teaching Theory); 1 provincial key lab ( Forest and Ecological Environment); 1 provincial key research base of Human Social Science (East Asia History and Culture Research Center); 1 provincial base for Post-Doctoral science research and innovative undertaking; 1 provincial demonstration center for college experiments and teaching( Basic Experiment and Teaching Center for Medical and Examination and Test ); 1 provincial key constructing experiment center (Engineering Training Center); it is the base of cultural quality education for national college students; which is the sole educational and training base of psychological health for provincial college students. Among 1,559 faculties, there have been 212 professors, 539 associate professors, 1 provincial famous master, 1 provincial chief professor, 1 provincial key professor, 5 provincial fine young and middle-aged mainstays, 1 provincial advanced expert, 6 provincial young and middle-aged professional and technical personnel with outstanding contributions, 12 provincial top-notch innovative personnel, 30 winners of special State Council allowance, 11 famous masters of university, 65 pioneers of their courses and 97 fine young and middle-aged mainstays of the school, at the end of September, 2007.
Depending on its own condition and advantage of educational resource, Beihua university strengths the training of competent personnel and scientific research, provides intellectual support and scientific service, facing the economic construction, makes constant contribution in the development of the northeast industrial basement, local economy and social development. In the past three years, the faculties undertook 234 projects on National Nature Foundation, on the National “863” Project, on the National Natural Scientific Foundation and other National, provincial and Jilin city’s research projects, 25 projects entrusted by state-owned enterprises and institutions, 392 projects undertook by Beihua university. There have been 71 research results passed the appraisal by the nation, the province and the city, among which, 2 projects have researched the international advanced level, 14 projects have researched the national advanced level, 24 ones have been advanced domestic level, 130 projects have won Research Results awards from Jilin province and Jilin city, 9 projects have won national patent, 1977 articles have been published in academic periodicals. The faculties have undertaken 440 (34 national projects, 102 provincial projects) projects on teaching and research, published 593 articles on teaching and research, 149 teaching materials and works. In the past 2 terms teaching results ’awards of national higher education, we’ ve got 1 national teaching award, 30 provincial awards ( 6 are the first prizes), the total number is the first among provincial universities.
The university regards highly international exchange and cooperation, taking advantage of the scientific achievements and experience of school running of foreign universities, exploring our road of internationalization and modernization in the communication of national culture and the achievements of the world civilization. It has successively established exchange-and -cooperation relation with 27 universities or educational institutions from countries like America, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Canada, etc. During the combination for 7 years, the university invited nearly 170 foreign experts and scholars to deliver lectures, sent nearly 160 fine young and middle-aged mainstays, scientific researchers and management mainstays to America, Japan, Russia, South Korea, European countries and areas to visit, cooperate the scientific research, attend international academic conference. The university began to run school with South Korea by 2+2, 3+2, with America by 1+2+1, MBA +1, to exchange students with them. The university accepted 84 foreign students from Pakistan, Somalia, Australia and so on to study clinical medicine. In August, 2006, the Ministry of Education approved the university to accept Chinese government allowance for foreign students. In 2007, Kangwon National University and Beihua university co-established Confucius Institute. The university adapted to the development of worldwide higher education, developed itself in the exchange of Chinese culture and world civilization.
Beihua university accepted good achievement from the reform of higher education, inherited from original 4 colleges, especially after the combination, Beihua university improved the teaching condition and campus, with its gradually suitable professional and faculties structures, its more complete running levels, its equipment and facilities took shape, it promoted international education and academic exchange .At present, all the teachers and students abide by the school motto of "Advocating moral integrity and hard learning; Upholding self -reliance and earnest practice", they also aim at building the university into a key provincial comprehensive university with great influence both at home and abroad, with balanced development of multi-subjects, high educational quality, strong scientific research, and conspicuous advantages and features.

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