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青岛职业技术学院 Qingdao Technical Colleage


发布时间:2008/1/17 14:55:16  发布:明日教育  来源:青岛职业技术学院






International Exchange & Cooperation

Centering on international cooperation and exchange since its beginning in 2000, Qingdao Technical College (QTC) has built up a friendly relationship with 49 educational institutions in 15 countries, including Canadian Northwest Community College, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan Shih Chien University, Korean Jeonuju University, and so on so forth. As an important educational strategy, QTC has sent over 90 visiting delegations to more than 110 higher educational institutions or friendly organizations in 25 countries, including the United States, Germany, Canada, Japan, Korea, Austria, the Netherlands, India and Thailand, and has received more than 250 visiting delegation from 18 countries.

To uphold the academic exchanges internationally, QTC has hosted more than 70 lectures given by foreign experts, and 2 sessions of international forum on higher vocational education in 2007 and 2009, and sent its teaching faculties abroad to attend the important educational events, all of which have greatly benefited itself by instantly approaching the updated developing trend of vocational education.

With an international perspective, QTC has constantly sent its teaching faculties to study or work in Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, Japan, and Singapore, which has made 25% of its staff have an overseas study or work background. The overseas training and working has greatly benefited the college in terms of having applied a series of overseas outstanding teaching methods, including competence-based education, working process-oriented education, task-based education and project teaching etc.

With an eye to serving the local development, QTC has been actively seeking to bring in the high-quality educational resources by cooperating with international colleges and universities in Australia, Singapore, France, and New Zealand. Having educated nearly 600 graduates and trained over 70 teachers, the joint programs with Singapore PSB Academy, University de PARIS 13, Waiariki Institute of Technology, New Zealand has given rise to a far-reaching influence on QTC’s education.

More than 60 QTC students, through its international students program, have been exchanged to study in Korea, Canada and Japan, and over 200 students have furthered their study in the cooperative colleges and universities in France, Australia, Singapore, Korea and Japan. In addition, QTC has set up 20 overseas training centers, where 560 QTC students have received their practical training or been employed. As of the end of 2010, QTC has trained or educated more than 1,200 international students.


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