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上海外国语大学 Shanghai International Studies University


发布时间:2009/3/3 15:13:02  发布:明日教育  来源:上海外国语大学



       上海外国语大学(Shanghai International Studies University),简称上外SISU,是教育部直属并与上海市共建、进入国211建设的全国重点大学,秉承格高志远、学贯中外的校训精神,筚路蓝缕,奋发有为,现已发展成一所培养高端国际型外语人才的多科性、国际化、高水平特色大学,蜚声海内外。








       学校的人才培养体系层次齐备,现有40本科专业,包括26个语言类专业14个非语言类专业; 7个一级学科硕士学位授权点:外国语言文学、政治学、应用经济学、教育学、中国语言文学、新闻传播学、工商管理,下设38个二级学科硕士学位授权点;5个专业硕士学位授权点:工商管理硕士(MBA)、翻译硕士(MTI)、汉语国际教育硕士(MTCSOL)、金融硕士(MF)、法律硕士(JM2个一级学科博士学位授权点:外国语言文学、政治学,下设17个二级学科博士学位授权点;2个博士后科研流动站:外国语言文学、政治学。


学校已陆续与新华通讯社、中国日报社(China Daily)、英国特许公认会计师公会(ACCA)、第一财经传媒(CBN)、上海外语频道(ICS)等建立联合办学体系,并实施长三角高校学分互认计划。学校与英国FutureLearn平台合作开展“慕课”(MOOCs)探索与实践,推进信息技术与教学的深度融合,推动教育理念的创新。













Upholding the motto of “Integrity, Vision and Academic Excellence”, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is an internationally recognized, prestigious academic institution distinctive for its multidisciplinary and multicultural nature, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times.


Our history began in December 1949 with the establishment of the Shanghai Russian School affiliated to East China People’s Revolution University, as one of the earliest institutions where China’s higher education in foreign languages took shape. Its first president, Jiang Chunfang, is a renowned translator of Russian and publisher who pioneered the publication of the Encyclopedia of China. Throughout its history, SISU has attracted and retained distinguished scholars with commitment to teaching and academic pursuits, including Fang Chong, Lu Peixian, Ling Dayang and Xu Zhongnian, who have become part of the University’s increased wealth of intellectual resources.


A globalized and top-notch university in China, SISU has successfully developed a diverse and distinctive mix of disciplines with language and literature as its pillar. Having established and maintained a high academic stature among universities of its kind, SISU has been funded to offer 10 national featured specialties and 6 Shanghai leading disciplines, adding to our existing 3 national key disciplines and a national undergraduate education platform for western European languages.

In recent years, SISU’s distinctive strength has been further enhanced with the number of language-related degree programs increasing to 25 (covering 22 foreign languages) and the number of doctoral and master’s degree programs significantly growing, resulting in a more balanced educational structure. The Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT) of SISU is awarded the highest ranking by AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters, as the only Asian university among the 15 top professional conference interpreting schools in the world.


With a mission to “introduce the rest of the world to China” and “present China globally”, SISU has won an unparalleled reputation in China’s linguistic research and diplomatic studies. Drawing on our strengths in multi-language programs and multi-disciplinary resources, while responding to national and regional strategies, we operate more than fifty research institutes and centers serving as academic think tanks to provide advisory services on language policies, diplomatic strategies and global public opinion of China. These academic entities have contributed landmark research and are also dedicated to promoting the development of social sciences in China.

SISU currently edits and publishes 12 highly regarded and rigorously peer-reviewed academic journals. Among them, the Journal of Foreign Languages, funded by China’s National Social Science Foundation, is the only one on linguistic studies among China’s “Top 30 University Journals in Social Sciences”.


We have made it a strategic priority in our development planning to go global and actively work on expanding students’ international horizons, in particular focusing on their immersion in a multicultural environment. We have now established partnerships with more than 300 universities and institutions from 55 countries and regions, and have maintained close connection with international organizations, including the United Nations and the European Union.

We have also compiled and published a series of Mandarin Chinese textbooks to be used by non-Chinese speakers as a means of further promoting cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world. Over the past five years, around 4,000 international students have been enrolled each year in our Chinese language programs or other degree schemes and 7 Confucius Institutes have been established in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America.


SISU has two campuses, Hongkou Campus and Songjiang Campus, covering a total area of 74.7 hectares. The two campuses are closely interrelated but distinct with their own features. The SISU Library, one of the three core members of CALIS China Library Consortium of Foreign Studies Universities, has a total collection of around 1 million cataloged volumes (over half in foreign languages) and over 1.1 million electronic documents.

SISU houses a range of state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities including world-class simultaneous interpretation systems, satellite signal-receiving devices and linguistic laboratories. A powerful digital audio-visual database containing multimedia resources in foreign studies has been set up to serve the needs of teaching and research. 


Taking advantage of their intercultural expertise and professional knowledge, SISU faculty and students actively volunteer their services at international conferences, sports games and other multilingual events. We are also committed to advancing China’s foreign language education. In 2012, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (SFLEP), affiliated with SISU, published 1,268 books, of which 890, or 70.1%, were reprinted. 5 of the 10 most highly cited books of language subjects listed in the Analysis of Highly Cited Index of China 2010 were published by SFLEP, indicating our strong influence in Chinese academia.

We have been dedicated to providing our students with a humanistic and holistic education that enables them to think globally and innovatively and make practical use of their professional knowledge and skills for smooth cross-cultural communication.

Over the past 65 years, our graduates have been contributing to the economic, cultural and social development of China and to the promotion of friendly exchange with people around the world.


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