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西安外事学院 Xian International University


发布时间:2009/1/25 15:47:54  发布:明日教育  来源:西安外事学院



       学校设有董事会、党委、院务会、教代会、工会等组织机构,实行董事会领导下的院长负责制。董事长黄藤为教育学博士,十届、十一届全国人大代表,陕西中华职业教育社主任,陕西省政协常委。曾获“全国优秀中国特色社会主义事业建设者”、“黄炎培杰出校长奖”、“陕西省优秀教育工作者”、“陕西省十大杰出青年”、“陕西省新长征突击手” 等荣誉。2012年底,黄藤与北大、复旦、南方科大等高校校长同获“中国好校长”殊荣。


       学校创办了国内最早的民办教育研究机构——民办教育研究中心,形成了以民办教育学科研究为特色,以人文社科、工学、医学和软件开发研究为主的科研格局。2010年8月至2014年7月,全校教师共承担校级以上各类纵横向研究项目245项,其中,省部级项目18项,厅局级项目190余项;发表学术论文3600余篇(其中, EI、SCI及南大、北大核心期刊400余篇)。民办教育研究中心被中国高等教育学会表彰为“全国高校优秀高等教育研究机构”,被国家人事部、教育部表彰为“全国教育系统先进集体”,2012年12月被陕西省教育厅确立为陕西省第三批(高校)哲学社会科学重点研究基地。


       和谐高效的管理体制 党政领导交叉任职,科学管理。党委主要领导进入董事会,参与决策;党委成员进入院务会,参与行政管理;坚持党委中心组学习制度和领导班子民主生活会制度;建立了党委和院务会的联席会议制度,党委参与学校重大工作的研究讨论;党委委员兼任各职能部门的负责人;二级学院实行院长领导下的党政联席会议制度。切实发挥了党组织在民办高校的政治核心和监督保障作用,形成了决策、执行和监督分工合理、相互制约、和谐高效的管理体制。

       独具特色的大学文化 努力铸就以“鱼化龙”精神为核心的外事特色大学文化。学校创办人黄藤董事长将学校所在地“化鱼成龙”的传说和中华民族“望子成龙”的美好愿望融入自己的办学理想,提出了“处鱼化龙之地,为鱼化龙之事,寄鱼化龙之望”的办学诉求,构筑“学无长幼、校无大小、教无高下、育无国界,人人都有理想的教育”的愿景。确立了“多元集纳、自强创新”的校训,树立了“爱岗敬业、感恩奉献”的校风、“以生为本、立德为先”的教风、“发展个性、注重养成”的学风,形成了以“鱼化龙”精神为核心的大学文化。
国际合作教育 学校是陕西省民办高校中最早获准开展国际合作教育和留学生教育的民办高校,与美、英、法、澳、日、韩、马来西亚等国的40余所大学开展学分互认、师生交流互访等项目和活动。2008年至今,共计有1200余名学生赴日、韩、法、美、澳等国学习或实习。与澳大利亚西南悉尼学院联合培养国际商务人才,至今共培养学生638名,其中45%的学生毕业后赴国外深造。自2003年开始招收外国留学生,至今已有来自美、日、韩等15个国家近1100余名学生到我院就读。2008年起,与美国湖郡学院开展“中国一学期”项目,该校学生在我校就读一学期,选修汉语和有关专业课程,由我校教师按照对方学校提供的教学大纲,用英语承担具体教学工作, 对方学校承认学分,开辟了留学生教育的新模式。2013年6月,美国教育部的简报特刊以“中国一学期 改变你一生”为题报道了该项目(“中国一学期”指的就是美国湖郡学院学生在我院学习的一学期)。学校先后于2004、2006和2011年在西安举办了三次中国民办高等教育国际研讨会;作为“高等教育国际化发展全球论坛”的发起单位之一,先后于2012年和2013年分别在俄罗斯、罗马尼亚举办了两次国际学术会议,使中国民办高等教育得到国际社会的广泛关注。
       创业教育 在全国民办高校中率先设立创业学院,面向全校学生,开展普惠式创业教育。建立大学生创业实践基地和创业基金会,并成立了创业帮扶巡讲团,由企业家和经济学专家对大学生创业进行直接指导和理论辅导,形成了“区分三个层次(普适、提高、精英)、注重三个结合(点面结合、创业教育与专业教育结合,教学与实践结合)、构建三个模块(创业理论教学模块、创业技能训练模块和创业实践锻炼模块)、形成创业孵化链”的鱼化龙创业教育模式。目前我校已经建成创业大楼,并建有大学生创业实践广场、大学生创业街区、大学生创业培训园和大学生创业孵化园,总面积超过12000平米。陕西鱼化龙创业基金已经从2010年3月发起成立时的200万元,增资至500万元。据初步统计,历届毕业生中,成功创业的学子达10%,培养了一批民营企业家。2014年9月,陕西省人力资源和社会保障厅批准我校为“陕西省大学生创业孵化基地”(全省首个,目前也是唯一一个)和“陕西省大学生创业培训基地”。




Xi'an International University was founded in 1992 with the accreditation of the nation’s Ministry of Education for its diverse four-year bachelor and three-year vocational programs. It is located in the heart of the Xi’an high-tech zone boasting two beautiful campuses totaling 135 hectares, a student population of 36,000, and faculty and staff of 2,200. 

The academics of the University include 11 colleges with 34 departments offering a total of 101 major fields of study, which cover economics, humanities, management, engineering, agriculture, medicine and law. It has grown into a multi-discipline and multi-layer comprehensive university.

The University is driven by the vision of giving every young person the opportunity to achieve a higher education by creating a dynamic, responsive, and credible educational experience. The University’s well-equipped classroom buildings, spacious dormitories, well-stocked libraries, full sized sports fields and other facilities all serve to educate its students to be responsible, whole people, able to participate in our nation’s economic and social development.

In order to establish the highest standards of education, Professor HUANG Teng, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and founder of the University, went to great lengths in search of first-class educators. Professor Huang, the University’s president and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, firmly maintains that scholars should sustain the university and professionals should manage and lead the university.

It follows that noted professors from different fields, including up and coming middle-aged and young scholars are recruited for teaching and research. Their dedication and wisdom have made the university competitive in its diverse disciplinary areas.

In the meantime, the University has taken great steps to ensure its curriculum is geared to support the nation’s economic and social growth as well as market demands. Traditional disciplines were modified, new programs were added and the structure of the whole curriculum was optimized.

Differentiated teaching was developed and the credit system introduced. Academic and professional competence is given equal importance with twin diplomas issued so that students have hands-on experience in addition to academic excellence.

The University attaches great importance to research, which ensures and sustains quality teaching. With painstaking effort the private education research that the University conducted has gained recognition nationwide and promoted projects in other academic studies.  Over the years, the University’s faculty has undertaken a variety of national and provincial research projects and wrote and published numerous textbooks and monographs. The University has also hosted national and international conferences on different topics.

Going global has also been a major feature for the competitive edge of the University. Chief among the out-reach endeavours for the internationalization of its programmes is the recruitment of talent from overseas. On an annual basis the University employs over 20 professors from the USA, the UK, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, France and Korea. 

The University has set up collaborative, twinning faculty/student exchange and other programmes with over 40 colleges and universities worldwide. Students who get into top-notch overseas universities are awarded scholarships.

The University has a ten-year partnership with the Australian government in terms of its cooperation with vocational education. Its partner TAFE, the South West Sydney Institute, delivers the advanced Diploma of Business on campus with a negotiated pathway to undergraduate studies in Australia.

Courses are also offered to students from overseas. Hundreds of students from 15 countries have taken Chinese language and culture classes on our campus. More note-worthy are our semester, credit courses for   American students, which include economics, Chinese history, English writing and Chinese art and literature, all conducted in English by our faculty members.

Financial help is available to students in the form of scholarships by the government and assistantships by the University. Other schemes such as work-study programs and social practice are also included to assist students in the successful completion of their academic programs. The University sees to it that no student drops from their academic pursuits because of financial constraints.

Our students are intimately involved in university life, from social clubs to university management and leadership in the form of their governing bodies such as youth committees and students’ unions at university and college levels. A rich variety of extra-curricular activities are actively organized to contribute to the whole-person growth of the students.

Great effort is made to assist students to identify their careers upon completion of their studies. Connections are built and maintained nationwide for information on job openings. Help is also rendered to students in their career opportunities with centres set up in such economically vibrant cities as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Dalian for internships. Over 9,000 large and medium-sized enterprises partner with us for long-term, strategic cooperation. On campus, weekend forums and career fairs are conducted at regular intervals.

The University also pioneers other schemes to encourage the competitiveness of our graduates. We have set up a college of entrepreneurship, the first ever in China’s higher education system. In addition, we have venture capital investment and foundations for entrepreneurship to help graduates in their business endeavours.

At Xi'an International University, we never lose sight of the individual. We value every student and provide resources necessary to ensure their success.

We take pride in our achievements over the years. As the University grows in stature, we continue to commit ourselves to creating new opportunities, to be creative and move with the times to be not only a vigorous, competitive, and premier private university but also a quality university able to compete with other top-tier, public institutions of higher learning in the whole of China.

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