学校现有35个学院(部)等教学机构,具有外国语言文学一级学科博士点,外国语言文学、中国语言文学、工商管理、教育学4个一级学科硕士点,13个二级学科博士点,59个二级学科硕士点,是翻译硕士、汉语国际教育硕士、旅游管理硕士、会计硕士、新闻传播硕士、教育硕士专业学位培养单位,开设47个本科专业,7个辅修专业,覆盖文学、经济学、管理学、法学、教育学、理学、艺术学7个学科门类,与国外9所大学联合培养博士研究生。外国语言文学一级学科为陕西省普通高校哲学社会科学特色学科,英语语言文学、法语语言文学、德语语言文学为陕西省重点学科;英语专业为国家级专业综合改革试点,英语、俄语、法语、旅游管理、翻译等5个专业为国家级特色专业,会计学(ACCA)和旅游管理(英语)、工商管理(CIMA)、金融学、人文地理与城乡规划专业为省级专业综合改革试点,英语、德语、法语、俄语和日语等5个专业为陕西省名牌专业,英语、俄语、法语、西班牙语、旅游管理、翻译、德语、会计学(ACCA方向)、日语等9个专业为陕西省特色专业;英语写作为国家级精品课程,英语精读、英语写作、英语翻译、法语精读、基础日语、德语精读、英语模拟导游、俄语翻译、英国文学、英语视听说、中国文化解说、管理学、法国文学史、翻译与实践、国际贸易与实务、商务英语写作等16门课程为省级精品课程;财务会计被评为国家级双语教学示范课程,财务会计、国际商法等2门课程被评为省级双语教学示范课程;“英语写作”被评为国家级精品资源共享课,“财务会计”、“商务分析”、“旅游学概论”、跨文化人力资源管理、金融学、国际贸易实务、经济地理学、人文地理学、城市规划原理、外语教师教育ESP课程、旅游地理学等11门课程被评为省级精品资源共享课;“应用型翻译人才培养模式创新实验区”被评为国家级人才培养模式创新实验区,国际商务、应用型翻译、国际旅游、国际化外语教师教育、国际会计、国际化应用型金融人才和国际工商管理(CIMA)等7个人才培养模式创新实验区被评为省级人才培养模式创新实验区;法语文学与翻译教学团队为国家级教学团队,法语文学与翻译、中外旅游文化、国际商务、翻译、英语写作、工商管理类主干课程、旅游法理论与实务、工商管理(CIMA)、金融学(CFA)国际化创新、国际贸易双语、区域旅游与城乡社区规划、旅游业运营管理等12个教学团队为省级教学团队。“翻译专业教学模式研究、创新与实践” 、“国际化商务人才培养模式创新与实践”获得陕西省教学成果奖特等奖。学校与环球时报在线(北京)文化传播有限公司合作建立文学实践教育基地先后获批成为国家级、省级大学生校外实践教育基地,与西安百事可乐饮料有限公司合作建立的管理学实践教育基地获批省级大学生校外实践教育基地。学校是非通用语提前批次招生院校、推荐优秀本科生免试攻读硕士研究生院校和接收保送生资格院校。现有博士研究生、硕士研究生、本专科生、外国留学生及各类培训学生2.4万余人。
Established in 1952 with the name of Northwest Russian College, Xi’an International Studies University (XISU) is the only university in northwest China conducting a complete range of foreign language programs. It was renamed as Xi’an Foreign Languages University in 1958. In 1979, the University started taking in postgraduate students. In 1986, with the authorization of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, it acquired the right to grant master’s degrees. In February 2006, upon the approval of the Ministry of Education, the University changed its name to Xi’an International Studies University.
Development over the past fifty-odd years has facilitated XISU’s transformation from a university focusing only on foreign language education to a teaching-research university with coordinated and balanced programs in international studies, humanities, social studies, management as well as natural sciences. XISU is now an important foreign languages education base, playing an irreplaceable role in foreign language teaching and research in western China and China as a whole.
The University covers an area of 262 acres, with a floor space of 679,000 square meters. It is well equipped with advanced teaching devices like multimedia network classrooms, language laboratories, computer clusters, laboratories for simultaneous interpretation, mock guided tour laboratories and laboratories for news editing. With an advanced satellite receiving system, students in XISU can watch television programs broadcast in different languages. Our computerized library offers access to an extensive digital database of academic journals.
Altogether, the university now has 27 faculties and departments, 39 undergraduate programs plus 7 minor programs covering literature, economics, management, law, education and natural science. It also independently trains candidates of MTI and MTCSOL and PhD candidates in conjunction with three overseas universities.
XISU has a reasonable quantity of provincial and national key subjects and outstanding courses. It houses a National Experimental Base for the Innovation of the Educational Model of Professional Translators and Interpreters, as well as a Research Center for Euro-American Language and Literature, which is a key research base at the provincial level.
XISU can grant early admission to high school students planning to learn uncommonly-used languages, and recommend excellent undergraduate students to pursue further studies for a master’s degree. We have a total of 24,000 students, including master degree candidates, undergraduates, junior college students and international students as well as short-term trainee students. We take education quality as our first priority, and have set up effective systems for teaching assessment, quality education assessment and teaching quality monitoring. Thanks to this, we have won favorable comments and recognition from the expert teams of the Ministry of Education in several evaluation projects.
With 24 academic and research institutions for foreign languages, human geography and international exchanges, we have formed a complete interdisciplinary research system, undertaken a series of national, provincial and foreign-sponsored research programs, and published dictionaries, treatises, translations, theses and textbooks. The academic journals of XISU, namely Foreign Language Education, Journal of Xi’an International Studies University and Human Geography, enjoy a remarkable reputation both at home and abroad. Among these, Foreign Language Education and Human Geography are listed as 2008 to 2009 CSSCI source journals.
We attach great importance to extensive international exchanges and have established cooperative relations with 118 overseas universities and educational institutions. We participate in the Fulbright Program, receive international students with scholarships from the Chinese government, and carry out “two-campuses” programs with 77 universities in 21 countries including Australia, Japan, France, Spain and Canada, for the training of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Besides, we have helped establish two Confucius Institutes in Kazakhstan and Argentina, built XISU-Humboldt Institute with California’s Humboldt State University, founded XISU Paris in Fashion Art Design Institute with Paris MOD’art Fashion Art Design Institute, established Sejong Institute with the support of the Korean Cultural Institute, the Korean Embassy in China and the Korean Consulate General in Xi’an, and set up XISU Goethe Language Center with Goethe Institute of the Federal Republic of Germany. We also have three training bases in America, Singapore and Britain. In the past six years, we have sent altogether 1,681 students to study or work abroad.
We provide training services for people who want to pursue further studies abroad. During the past thirty years, we have organized 55 programs to help over 86,000 people go overseas. Among them are established scholars, college presidents and industrialists. In December 2007, in cooperation with the Princeton English Group, we set up Susan Chyn English Center, and in March 2008, a training base for those who want to study abroad with the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (the Ministry of Education).
XISU pays keen attention to education quality and has remarkable achievements in this respect. In 2008, a volunteer group of 454 teachers and students from XISU worked for Beijing Olympic Games. Their service was well received by domestic and foreign visitors as well as by Beijing Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games. The volunteer contingent of XISU has won national honors for their hard work. Graduates from XISU are welcomed by employers for their diligence, flexibility, good language proficiency, remarkable communicative competence and high overall quality. We have maintained an employment rate of over 90% for undergraduate students, and over 95% for postgraduate students. In the 2009 List for the Employability of Chinese Universities, XISU earned a highly satisfactory ranking.
To further adapt ourselves to economic and social development in the new century, XISU will take the opportunities brought by the Western Development Campaign and the general development of higher education in China to intensify its efforts in teaching reform and in the improvement of teaching facilities and education quality so as to forge an even brighter future for itself.