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武昌理工学院 Wuchang University of Technology


发布时间:2010/1/9 17:01:13  发布:明日教育  来源:武昌理工学院







◆    学校教学基础设施优良。每个学院拥有一座教学实验大楼;生均教学科研仪器设备值、多媒体教室和语音实验室座位数、教学用计算机台数等都超过教育部“部颁标准”;校园信息化建设位居同类高校领先水平。

◆    学校师资力量居于同类高校前列,现有全职教职员工1000余人,专任教师730人,其中教授138人、副教授186人,博士生导师46人,硕士生导师87人,享受国务院津贴专家18人。

◆    学校建有国内高校中一流的图书馆,建筑面积3.52万平方米,环境优雅、设施先进,纸质藏书140余万册,电子图书76万册,中外报刊1400余种。

◆    学校建有各类专业实验室138个,可以开设2810个实验项目,功能涵盖全校各学科门类;建有稳定的校内外挂牌实习实训基地181个。

◆    学校各类设施齐全,安全保障体系完备。学术交流中心、国家标准体育运动场馆、俱乐部、健身中心、大学生服务中心、大学生活动中心、3D影院、标准化学生公寓和学生食堂、金融服务网点、医院、超市等一应俱全。

◆    学校党、团、工会以及学生组织健全。学生社团100余个,是莘莘学子培养才干、提升素质的理想场所。


◆    学校在全国高校中首创“成功素质教育”这一全新的高等教育理念和人才培养模式,荣获第六届国家级教学成果二等奖,是全国同类院校中唯一获此殊荣的大学。2010年经国务院批准,学校被列为国家教育体制改革试点高校,承担“创新高校高素质人才培养模式”试点项目,是全国同类高校中唯一独立承担国家教育体制改革综合性试点任务的高校。

◆    学校以成功素质教育为特色,致力于培养“专业素质扎实、非专业素质过硬、个性特长突出、创新与实践能力强”的高素质人才,促进学生实现学业成功与就业成功,并为今后的创业成功与事业成功奠定素质基础。

◆    学校实施国际化发展战略,国际交流合作成效显著。先后与美国、英国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、日本、韩国、新加坡等10多个国家的近20多所大学建立了校际合作关系,为学生出国留学深造、国外带薪实习、海外游学和就业开通了直通车。20154月学校在日本设立分校。


◆    学校在培养高素质人才方面取得显著成效,教育质量稳居全国同类高校前列。毕业生就业率连续多年超过92%2013年毕业生签约率居省属高校第四名,2014年毕业生签约率位居省属高校第一名,国内外研究生和公务员录取率在18%以上 300人考取各级公务员,3400名学生考取国内外知名大学研究生;学生自主创业蔚然成风,资产过千万的近300,不少校友创业的公司资产达到数千万乃至上亿元。校友卢伟坚的知名上市公司“亚细亚”品牌价值超35亿元,校友解砾入选2010年度中国年度大学生人物、湖北省青年创业榜样;30%毕业生就职于世界500强企业和国内大型企事业单位,涌现出大批年薪在20万以上的就业“高薪族”。校友朱贝贝凭借《马上有钱》走红网络,现为中国内地人气女歌手、词曲创作人。成功校友大量涌现。

◆    近年来,学生获省、部级及以上各类竞赛奖项1500余人次,公开发表学术论文1000余篇,获国家专利200余项。学生的个性充分彰显,“全国三好学生”、“校园作家”、“校园发明家”、“校园书法家”、“创新之星”、“创业之星”、“自强之星”等大量涌现。

◆    学校学科建设居全国同类高校前列。“生物工程”是省级重点学科;“生物多肽糖尿病药物研究”获批为省级协同创新中心(2011工程);学校在同类高校中唯一获批湖北省人文社科重点研究基地——“民办高校大学生素质教育研究中心”;生命科学学院是湖北省同类高校中唯一的改革试点学院。学校获批省级重点专业、精品课程等教学平台17项,在同类高校中位居前列。2014年学校获批湖北省大学生创业示范基地。

◆    学校重视以科研促教学,教师获省级教研、科研立项近100;公开发表学术论文2000余篇,其中80余篇被三大索引收录。学校教师在湖北省高校教学竞赛中多次获奖,多名教师被授予“湖北青年教学能手”荣誉称号,是全省同类高校中获此殊荣最多的高校。


◆    近年来,先后有200多所国内外高校的领导、专家到学校调研、考察和交流。许多领导和专家对学校环境、学校特色、学校发展给予高度评价。教育部国家教育发展研究中心副主任周满生教授说:“成功素质教育是具有突破意义的理论创新和具有样本意义的实践创新。”时任武汉大学校长顾海良教授说:“成功素质教育具有理论创新性、研究系统性、实践操作性。该成果属国内首创,达到国内领先水平。”

◆    成功素质教育的实施,有效促进了学校教育质量和办学水平的提高,产生了广泛而积极的社会影响。《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《中国教育报》、中央电视台、新华社、中新社、凤凰网等数百家媒体高密度进行深度报道。

◆    学校在“2012中国大学本科教育排行榜”位居144,全国仅两所民办高校上榜。由网大发布的《2011年中国民办大学排行榜》中,学校位居本科榜总排行第六位,成为湖北省唯一一所进入本科排行榜前20强民办高校。学校曾三次被评为“全国品牌独立学院十强第一名”,三次荣获“中国品牌独立学院20强第一名”,连续多年获评“最受媒体关注独立学院”第一名;多次入选“全国高校毕业生就业竞争力100强”、“中国十大品牌民办大学”、“中国最具综合实力民办高校”、“21世纪亚洲最具发展潜力的教育机构”、“中国民办教育特色学校”等。学校获评新浪网“最具品牌影响力民办高校”第一名,新华社 “十大最具社会影响力民办高校”第二名,网易“中国十大民办高校”第二名,腾讯网 “十大最具社会影响力民办高校”第三名等。此外,学校还多次获评“湖北省大学生思想政治教育工作先进高校”、“湖北诚信建设荣誉单位”、“湖北省自律与诚信建设活动先进单位”等荣誉称号。



Wuchang University of Technology (WUT) is a private university for higher education approved by the Ministry of Education. After twenty years of development, it has become multi-disciplinary in harmonious development where management and engineering are core disciplines.

Situated in "Optics Valley of China" in the southeast part of Wuhan in Central China's Hubei province, WUT covers an area of about 233 acres with a construction area of over 400,000 square meters (about 100 acres). It is known as one of the top ten beautiful lake campuses in China. It is at the foothill of Mt. Meinan. Three sides are surrounded by Tangxun Lake. And on the campus, European-style buildings nestle among the trees.

WUT has eleven schools which contain altogether 65 disciplines (4-year programs or 3-year programs). The schools are School of Life Science, School of Information Engineering, School of Urban Construction, School of Business, School of Law, Literature and Foreign Languages, School of Art Design, School of Music and Media, School of International Education, School of Non-specialized Caliber Education, School of Continuing Education, and School of Autonomous Study and Examination. At present, there are over 15,000 students.

Now there are over 1,000 staff in WUT, among whom 730 are teachers -- 138 professors, 186 associate professors, 46 doctoral tutors, 87 master instructors, and 18 state-level experts.

There is an A-level library with an area of 35,000 square meters. Now, there are in the library over 1,400,000 volumes, over 760,000 volumes of e-books, and over 1,400 domestic and foreign newspapers and periodicals.

There are 138 laboratories, which can offer 2810 kinds of experiment on campus. And there are 181 stable training bases inside and outside WUT for the students' internships and training.

  WUT is well-equipped with many kinds of facilities, including an academic centre, a stadium, a club, a gym, a student service centre, a student activity centre, a 3D cinema, standardized students' apartments and dining halls, financial service networks, a hospital, and supermarkets.

  WUT has originated a personnel training mode, Caliber-oriented Education to Success. It has won the second prize of the 6th National Teaching Achievement, the only private university among the winners. In 2010, it was listed as a pilot university on national reform of educational system by the State Council, the only university of its kind to launch a pilot comprehensive project on national educational reform.

  WUT has made great achievements in high-caliber personnel training, and it’s among the top private universities in education and management. The employment rate of its graduates has reached more than 92% over the past years. In 2014, it was ranked No. 1 among all provincial universities in Hubei province, and over 18% of the seniors have passed the examinations for civil servants and postgraduate students; nearly 30% of the graduates have worked in large domestic enterprises or in the world top 500 companies.  

WUT tops China’s other private universities in discipline construction. "Bioengineering" is a provincial key discipline. "Bio-peptide Diabetes Drug Research" has been approved as a provincial collaborative innovation center. In Hubei Province, it is the only one possessing an approved Key Research Base on Humanities and Social Sciences ---- "Students' Caliber Education Center in Private Universities". School of Life Science is the only pilot school in Hubei. It boasts 17 approved key specialties and excellent courses at provincial level. In 2014, it was awarded Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base.

WUT, by international development strategy, is quite fruitful in international communication and cooperation. With universities in more than ten countries like USA, UK, Australia, Russia, Italy, Japan, Korea, and Singapore, Thailand, and India, WUT has established cooperative relationship to provide a full range of services for the students' paid internship as well as further study and tour abroad.

WUT has won various prizes, such as "China's Top 100 Universities in Graduates' Employment Competitiveness", "China’s Top Ten Competitive Brand in Private Universities", "China's Top Private Universities in Comprehensive Strength", "China's Top Ten Private Universities in Influence". It was ranked No. 144 in the four-year-programme education in the list of China’s universities in 2012, one of the only two private universities.

All over the country, students are enrolled according to the local admission points on the basis of competitive selection. Students who attain required credits will get the graduation certification and those who are qualified for bachelor degree will be granted WUT diplomas. Meanwhile, they can work for a double major on campus. Among the same universities in Hubei, WUT took the lead in joint training of postgraduates with relevant universities. It also possesses a Top-up Program. Students with junior college diploma can obtain undergraduate diploma through examinations given by WUT.


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